In many ways Jordan Click is like any typical 27-year-old; she likes shopping, enjoys sports and dreams of owning a boutique. However, her limitations are anything but normal. It’s been seven years since the Abilene native was paralyzed from the shoulders down. Now she’s seeking specialized treatment to regain some ability. It’s not always easy to ask for help, but that’s exactly what Click’s family is doing.
Click is raising money to attend a paralysis recovery center in Houston called Project Walk. The therapy will help her gain muscle strength and possibly help her get off of narcotic medications. Hunt started a gofundme page online to raise $30,000 for the treatment. So far they have just over $10,000.
“We have to realistic, she may not be able to walk,” said Michelle Hunt, her mother. “But even if we could get one arm working that would open up a whole new world for her.”
Click became paralyzed in 2009 after breaking her neck in a car accident. She spent five weeks in intensive care followed by four months in rehabilitation.
“You just have to learn how to live again,” Hunt said. “She can’t do anything for herself- brush her teeth, get herself dressed, she just needs help with everything.”
Click’s condition also makes her vulnerable to a whole lot of complications.
“She can’t feel pain so even if her clothing is too tight and squeezing her, that can cause things like her blood pressure to increase, severe sweating, headaches,” Hunt said. “You have to search and brainstorm and figure out what’s bothering her.”
If Click’s body is experiencing any sort of stress that she can’t detect, it could result in autonomic dysreflexia, which could be life-threatening.
Click needs help around the clock, in addition to her mom, she depends on her sisters and a professional caregiver. She also needs specialized equipment like her wheel chair. Since she can’t stay in one position for too long, her wheel chair has the ability to rise up, lean back and put her in different positions.

"This is how I drive my chair,” Click said as she eyed the straw inches away from her lip. "I give it certain commands with my breathing.”
Her wheelchair is outfitted with a pvc pipes fashioned by her grandfather that hold her phone and remote, she uses a mouth stick to operate them. That’s the extent of what she can do for herself. Years of living this way has made her patient and resilient.
“It’s hard but you also adapt in a way that you probably wouldn’t ever really realize,” Click said. “It gets easier, but you just have to dig deep and find your strength.”
Click draws strength from her faith. She said her relationships with God and family keep her positive despite a grim outlook from her doctors.
“They say that I’ll never walk again but for me and my faith, I believe different,” Click said. “I believe that God wants me to walk again and have an amazing testimony to share with others.”
Click can move her left arm, just barely. Not enough to do anything now but she hopes Project Walk will change that. Even the social aspect of the program is appealing. In Abilene, Click doesn’t know any other quadriplegics so it will be helpful to be surrounded by others who share her struggles. And seeing others have success will give her hope.
In addition to the online fundraiser, members of the community are stepping up to raise money for Click with a concert. Hunt said her family has been inspired by all the people coming forward to help her daughter.
“All the support from people we know and people we don’t know, it’s just been incredible and amazing,” Hunt said.