Baylie Simon
Since the arrests of 12 alleged fentanyl traffickers in September, the number of overdoses in Abilene has decreased significantly.
Schools across Texas are becoming less tolerant of students using cell phones in learning environments. School districts like Houston and Austin ISD recently banned cell phone use during the school day.
Jodey Arrington retains the seat for Texas’s 19th congressional district. Since he was first elected in 2016, Arrington has won by at least 75 percent.
The Abilene Roller Derby team has returned to the rink for its 10th season after taking a break due to the restrictions of COVID-19. Abilene’s SugarBombs will skate in their final bout of the season this weekend.
This summer marked the opening season for Abilene’s newest home team. As the Flying Bisons approach the end of their 2024 calendar in the Mid-America Baseball League, some Abilene residents are wondering if they are here to stay.
The Abilene Farmers Market, established in 1982, features products grown or made locally within a 100-mile radius of Abilene. The market not only offers fresh produce but also reflects the community values of kindness, hard work, and connection.