Every fall Texas Parks and Wildlife holds a statewide Pollinator BioBlitz. This event aims to celebrate and bring awareness to all that pollinators do for Texas. TPW notes that monarch butterflies and 30 other pollinators are designated as Species of Greatest Conservation Need.
TPW’s Nature Tourism Manager, Shelly Plante, says that the Pollinator BioBlitz is a great way for individuals and communities to observe the fall migration, “We time this event during the monarch migration so that people who are noticing these big, beautiful butterflies flying around might notice there are a lot of pollinators, from butterflies to bumblebees to wasps and moths and all kinds of things. So it’s to draw attention to this really important piece of our ecosystem.”
This year’s Pollinator BioBlitz is already underway and will last until October 27th. Getting involved is as easy as posting pictures of different pollinators on social media with #TXpollinators, sharing information gathered on the i-Naturalist app, or attending one of the various events being hosted by the department.
Participants who register on the Texas Parks & Wildlife website will get observation challenges and information to help them enjoy the BioBlitz.